Medical / Dental
Medical and Dental Architecture and Design

Steven L. Cohen & Associates has a wealth of experience in planning and developing Medical and Dental facilities that adhere to the unique requirements of the respective industries. Our approach includes sensitivity to the needs of the health professionals, administrative staff and patients – each benefitting from intelligent and thoughtful design. We greatly value our relationships with medical and dental professionals, receiving immense satisfaction for participating in the enhancement of patient experiences and health professional efficiencies.
In South Florida, Steven L. Cohen & Associates has earned much acclaim for expert design of various local hospitals, medical centers and medical offices. Our experiences include multiple projects for Miami Beach’s Mt. Sinai Main Hospital, their ten-story medical staff office building and their Integrated Medical Services of the Florida Keys located in Marathon, FL. Other Miami medical projects include designing medical offices for Mercy Hospital, an interior design project for Miami Heart Hospital, Lillibridge Health Trust and Victoria Medical Center, for whom we have planned medical offices, rehabilitation facilities and cafeteria space. Other South Florida medical clients include Select Medica, their Acute Care Facility & Surgery Suite, Baptist Hospital medical offices and labs, Florida Medical Center’s interior renovation and Tamarac’s University Hospital.

Steven L. Cohen & Associates is proud to service the needs of dental and orthodontic practitioners. While every dental practice has unique elements with regard to space, equipment, staff and patient concerns, our experts have consulted numerous dental pros with regard to maximizing space and resources. Realizing that dental practices grow and experience change, Steven L. Cohen & Associates provides design solutions that consider future use, expansion and the morphing of technologies. Contact us to learn more about how Steven L. Cohen & Associates can help develop and allocate appropriate budget for design of new space or upgrading current orthodontic or dental facilities.